Thinking out Loud Can Be Dangerous

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By Darin Allen
“Let’s Talk About It!”

I am getting tired of bad commentating on Saturday afternoon football. For example while listening to an announcer on ESPN  talk about the Ohio Sate/Illinois football game and how much Ohio State struggled, he actually was making it seem as though Ohio State was on the brink of losing!…..No explanation, just talking about how bad they looked! I want to hear commentators express better insight as to why a team isn’t playing well rather than just running off at the mouth about the obvious. We all have highs and lows and what I saw Saturday from my Buckeyes was not pleasant. But all things being said, the only important thing is winning…Back to my opening point: If that Buckeye-bashing ESPN commentator had any sense he should have realized the Buckeyes’ problem: basketball season is just around the corner! It’s all LeBron James’ fault! LeBron is no longer in Cleveland and that kind of thing can take the focus out of a player…Oh yea, remember in my first post when I said that the Nebraska Cornsuckers would not go over 500”?  Now that is what I call expert commentary…LeBron, come back!

About Darin Allen

Darin Allen is a former American amateur and professional boxer. As an amateur boxer he won a middleweight World championship and U.S.A. amateur championship. Allen went on to have a mildly successful professional boxing career that was highlighted by a world light heavyweight championship fight.

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